About me

Tadeu Granemann Senior Site Reliability Engineer Living in 🇨🇦 / From 🇧🇷 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tadeugr/en

Personal profile

Ability to find simple solutions for complex problems combining creativity and improv, quickly adapting to new challenges.

Outstanding communication skills to coach and transfer knowledge, which gave me the opportunity to publish a Kubernetes course on Udemy with 21k+ students.



  • Professional fluency in English;

  • Brazilian Portuguese (native).

Academic honor awards

  • Outstanding Student Award.​ Student Merit Diploma by the prominence in academic achievement, participation and achievement of technical-scientific activities (2008);

  • Featured Student Award​ by the Brazilian Computer Society (2008).


  • Kubernetes Administrator (2021);

  • Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer (2021);

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (2018);

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect (2018);

  • Advanced English Writing and Grammar (2018);

  • English as Second Language (2018);

  • E-commerce and Digital Marketing Manager (2015);

  • Sankhya ERP Certified Professional (2015);

Core competences

Continuous Deployment (Jenkins, AWS CodeDeploy, Bitbucket Pipelines), Infrastructure as Code (Terraform, Vagrant, Serverless Framework), Infrastructure Automation (Ansible), Containerized Applications Deployment (Docker, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm), Infrastructure Monitoring (Prometheus, Grafana, ELK, Nagios), Coding/Scripting (Bash, Python, PHP), Database Administration (DynamoDB, Postgres, MySQL, Aurora), VPN (OpenVPN, IPSec), Web Development (LAMP, Magento, Laravel, Symfony, NodeJS).


Samsung, Toronto - Canada - Senior Site Reliability Engineer


  • Kubernetes cluster admin and DevOps analyst.

Loblaw, Toronto - Canada - Senior Site Reliability Engineer

JAN 2021 - AUG 2022

  • Kubernetes cluster admin and DevOps analyst.

Ambev Tech, Blumenau - Brazil - Senior Site Reliability Engineer

MAY 2019 - DEC 2020

  • Kubernetes cluster admin and DevOps analyst.

Fingermark, Havelock North - New Zealand - Senior Site Reliability Engineer

MAR 2018 - APR 2019

  • Job description: manage and monitor a fleet of 52 servers on the cloud (AWS) integrated with 300 kiosks and 25 Computer Vision servers on-premise.

  • Key achievements: Set up multiple Kubernetes clusters and increased in 30% the deployment speed of containerized applications (the deployment issue tickets rate was reduced in 32%). Increased in 45% the speed of kiosks hardening process using Ansible. Reduced 12% of the monthly AWS bill deploying Auto Scaling services and monitors. Increased in 9% the deployment speed of the kiosks’ app creating Jenkins pipelines. Developed a Continuous Deployment tool using PHP and AWS CodeDeploy to leverage UAT environments reducing the process time in 83%.

Gear Club Direct, Chicago - United States - Senior DevOps

AUG 2016 - FEB 2018

  • Job description: manage, monitor and integrate an e-commerce website with about 30k SKUs and 150k unique visitors/month.

  • Key achievements: Increased 430% the speed of adding and editing catalog products by creating an automated scraper bot (in Python) to retrieve product info from manufacturers’ websites. Increased 30% the gross profit by setting up new Google Adwords campaigns. Increased 5% of the conversion rate after developing and deploying a new frontend template.

ViaTrade, Balneário Camboriú - Brazil - Senior Magento DevOps

JUL 2013 - DEC 2015

  • Job description: manage, monitor and integrate a Magento (v1.9) e-commerce website with about 500 SKUs and 150k unique visitors/month.

  • Key achievements: Set up a distributed cloud based hosting infrastructure (AWS Auto Scale, Mencache and CDN) reducing in 32% the website loading time, which represented an increase of 2% in the conversion rate. Integrated the freight quote process with an external API service eliminating the manual maintenance of freight tables which used to take from 1 to 3 weeks for each shipping company.

FXPLabs, Itajai - Brazil - Owner and Co-Founder

SEP 2011 - APR 2013

  • Job description: generate leads and new business opportunities through networks. Present customers on new product lines achieving sales budgets. Coach the DevOps team regarding business operational practices and software tools to facilitate and optimize these practices.

  • Key achievements: prospected and closed the company’s biggest account, which represented 80% of the monthly net profit. Created a white labeled ecommerce platform based on Magento which reduced 77% projects’ delivery time.

Indexa, Balneário Camboriú - Brazil - Senior Linux SysAdmin

DEC 2010 - SET 2011

  • Job description: set up, manage, monitor and integrate cloud based infrastructure (AWS) for 30 Magento ecommerce websites, handling about 2MM unique visitors per month.

  • Key achievements: set up distributed systems (auto scaling, CDN and Memcached) which increased 27% the average page load time and reduced 86% downtime issues.


Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil - Master in Business Administration

FEV 2012 - FEV 2013

Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Brazil - Bachelor of Computer Science

FEV 2004 - FEV 2008

Last updated